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You can find list of exhibitors below.

Look for exhibitors´ place at orientation map of the fair.

AB ART Press

Slovakia Lichardova 51, 976 13 Slovenská Ľupča, Slovakia

Illustrated publications, tourist guides, maps, atlases.

  • Mária Hláčiková

Phone: +421 48 418 7181
Fax: +421 48 418 7181



Slovakia Košická 56, 821 08 Bratislava, Slovakia

Educational literature, textbooks.

  • Ing. Mária Okálová

Phone: +421 911 744 098


Vydavateľstvo Absynt

Slovakia P. O. Box B142, 010 01 Žilina, Slovakia

We publish books for the 21st century in our Czech series Prokletí reportéři (Cursed Reporters).

  • Juraj Koudela, jednatel - Managing Director

Phone: +421 917 989 310


Nakladatelství Academia, Středisko společných činností AV ČR, v. v. i.

Czechia Vodičkova 40, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Academia publishes original academic works and popular science literature.

  • Gjurišičová Viktorie, manažerka velkoobchodu - Sales Manager E-mail: gjurisicova@academia.cz
    Phone: +420 221 403 823, +420 774 135 605

ADC Blackfire Entertainment, s. r. o.

Czechia Novozámecká 4/495, 198 00 Praha 9 - Hostavice, Czechia

Distributor of board and family games and toys.

  • Michal Ekrt, Marketing

Phone: +420 737 279 667


Agentura Dobrý den, s. r. o.

Czechia Nábřeží rekordů a kuriozit 811, 393 01 Pelhřimov, Czechia

Publisher of the Czech Book of Records, manager of the Museum of Records and Curiosities.

  • Josef Vaněk, jednatel - Managing Director
  • Miroslav Marek, jednatel - Managing Director

Phone: +420 565 323 163
Fax: +420 565 323 163


Akademie múzických umění v Praze, Nakladatelství AMU

Czechia Malostranské náměstí 12, 118 00 Praha 1, Czechia

AMU Press – the Publishing House of Academy of Performing Arts is one of the leading Czech publishers in the areas of film, TV, photography, theatre, music and dance.

  • Jan Heller, ředitel - Director of AMU Press
  • Kateřina Plecitá, asistentka redakce - Editorial Assistant of AMU Press

Phone: +420 234 244 535


Filip Tomáš - Akropolis

Czechia 5. května 1338/43, 140 00 Praha 4 - Nusle, Czechia

Publisher of belles-lettres and specialist literature, as well Czech as foreign language.

  • Filip Tomáš, nakladatel - Publisher
  • Miluše Geussová, asistentka - Assistant

Phone: +420 222 360 991
Phone: +420 774 626 097


Albatros - Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia 5. května 1746/22, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

The oldest Czech publishing books for children and youth.

Phone: +420 261 397 200 - recepce

Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia 5. května 1746/22, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

We are the largest Czech publishing group. Our publishing portfolio includes the following publishers: Albatros, B4U Publishing, Baronet, BizBooks, CooBoo, CPress, Edika, Egmont, Fragment, Garamond, Kniha Zlín, Mladá fronta, Motto, nastole, Vyšehrad, VOXI, XYZ, Pointa (online publishing service) and Palmknihy (online bookshop offering all book formats).

Phone: +420 261 397 200 - recepce


Slovakia Mickiewiczova 9, 811 07 Bratislava, Slovakia

Children´s books, dictionaries, general fiction, multimedia, non-fiction, picture books, poetry, text- books, travel guides.

Phone: +421 901 701 952
Phone: +421 2 4445 2048

ALBI Česká republika a. s.

Czechia Thámova 13, 186 00 Praha 8, Czechia

A leasing Czech producer and distributor of board games, greeting cards, gifts, wraping materials and Magical Reading.

  • Jiří Lízner, manažer promo týmu - Promo Team Manager
  • Radomír Švec, výkonný ředitel - Director

Phone: +420 222 541 381
Fax: +420 222 541 380


Alfedus, spol. s r. o.

Czechia Hradešínská 36, 101 00 Praha 10 - Vinohrady, Czechia

Company focusing on music, film and books. The Kajínek screenplay is our work. Our other films include Choking Hazard and I Was a Teenage Intellectual.

Phone: +420 272 735 963
Fax: +420 272 735 963



Czechia U Průhonu 22, 170 00 Praha 7, Czechia

ALFERIA publishes books on emerging topics. The Eastern Series focuses on (eco)spirituality, the Yoga Series on the body and soul.

  • MgA. Lenka Kubelová, šéfredaktorka
  • MgA. Barbora Kinkalová, PR a propagace

Phone: +420 234 264 563


Alpha Book s. r. o.

Czechia Bořivojova 769/68, 130 00 Praha 3, Czechia

Bringing inspiration to life.

  • Markéta Šimáčková, nakladatelka

Phone: +420 603 233 234


ANAG, spol. s r. o.

Czechia Sídlo: Kollárovo nám. 698/7, 779 00 Olomouc, Czechia

Branch Office: Mozarteum, Jungmannova 30, 110 00 Prague 1, tel.: +420 222 515 741, fax: +420 222 519 611, praha@anag.cz. The ANAG publishing and education company has been active on the Czech market since 1990; hence it has one of the longest histories of firms which arrange professional seminars and produce publications and magazines for professionals. The company is active throughout the Czech Republic. Its activities focus on three main areas: the production of literature on economics and law and publications on health and leisure, the publishing of magazines for professionals, and the organizing of professional seminars. Its high-quality team of readers and authors is composed of recognized experts. ANAG publications are distributed to booksellers throughout the Czech Republic by trained agents. ANAG operates two stores with professional literature in Prague and Olomouc as well as a super-fast internet bookstore for professional literature at www.anag.cz (choice of several thousand titles, ongoing addition of new titles, orders dispatched by return).

  • Dr. Eva Motáňová Vítková, jednatelka
  • Kamil Polák, obchodní ředitel

Phone: +420 585 757 411
Fax: +420 585 418 867



Czechia Krajní 1819, 250 88 Čelákovice, Czechia

We offer non-traditional teaching aids that make learning English easier.

  • Jitka Netušilová, majitelka - Owner Phone: +420 776 589 922

Phone: +420 732 684 255


Anna Lindh Foundation

Czechia Nerudova, P. O. Box 3, 118 50 Praha, Czechia

The foundation connects 42 countries from Europe and the south and east Mediterranean, supporting dialogue through, among other, the first Arabic library in the Czech Republic.

  • Nikola Strachová, koordinátor

Phone: +420 606 330 233


AOS Publishing

Czechia OD Labe, Revoluční 9732/9, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem 1, Czechia

Publishing house specialising in non-fiction literature, historical mysteries and autobiographies.

  • Pavel Mészáros, obchodní ředitel Phone: +420 602 322 887
  • Marie Tůmová, tajemnice

Argo, spol. s r. o.

Czechia Milíčova 13, 130 00 Praha 3, Czechia

Argo publishing house specialises in fine Czech and translated fiction, books for children and young people, social science titles (history, social and cultural anthropology, etc.), and specialised encyclopaedic publications.

  • Zdena Křikavová, PR a propagace - PR and Promotion

Phone: +420 222 781 601
Phone: +420 733 650 762



Slovakia Komenského 934/52, 905 01 Senica, Slovakia

Fiction, non-fiction, children’s books.

  • Mgr. Tomáš Mečíř

Phone: +421 34 397 5967



Slovakia Kozia 20, 811 03 Bratislava, Slovakia

Fiction, poetry, non-fiction, children´s books.

  • Tereza Michalová
  • Vladimír Michal

Záujmové združenie žien ASPEKT

Slovakia Mýtna 38, 811 07 Bratislava, Slovakia

Feminist literature.

  • Katarína Krnová

Phone: +421 2 5249 1639
Phone: +421 918 479 677


Audiolibrix, s. r. o.

Czechia Makovského 1334/26, 163 00 Praha 6, Czechia

Audiobooks in MP3 format, available for immediate download.

AudioStory s. r. o.

Czechia Českomalínská 27, 160 00 Praha 6, Czechia

Audiobooks publishing with the longest Czech tradition, established in 1991. Classical and modern literature of various genres for all age groups of listeners, performed by prominent voice-artists.

  • Jindřiška Nováková, jednatelka - CEO

Phone: +420 737 910 615
Phone: +420 737 117 157


A2, o. p. s.

Czechia Na Květnici 700/1a, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

A2 is an independent fortnightly review with an interest in culture.

  • Lukáš Rychetský, šéfredaktor - Editor in Chief E-mail: rychetsky@advojka.cz
  • Michal Špína, zástupce šéfredaktora - Deputy Editor in Chief

Phone: +420 222 510 205
Phone: +420 775 545 185


Czechia Bořivojova 75, 130 00 Praha 3, Czechia

Publisher of translated literature of all genres and calendars.

  • Jiří Buchal, ředitel
  • Karolina Špičková, šéfredaktor

Phone: +420 222 721 194
Phone: +420 222 721 538


Bělorusové v ČR (BLRČR)

Czechia Vocelova 602/3, 120 00 Praha 2, Czechia

  • Mgr. Kryścina Šyjanok

Phone: +420 774 376 523


BIBIANA, Medzinárodný dom umenia pre deti

Slovakia Panská 41, 815 39 Bratislava, Slovakia

Cultural institute that is active internationally. Formed in 1987 as a partner of the Bratislava Biennale of Illustration, an event with a long tradition and international renown.

  • Natália Cehláriková, PR Manager

Phone: +421 2 5443 4986
Fax: +421 2 5443 4986


Biblion z. s.

Czechia Rooseveltova 49, 160 00 Praha 6, Czechia

Spiritual literature for the 21st century.

  • Jan Andrýsek, provozní ředitel - Head of Operations Phone: +420 602 872 624

BizBooks - Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia IBC, Příkop 4, 602 00 Brno, Czechia

BizBooks is a modern and flexible publishing house, bringing inspiration in the form of non-fiction titles and publications focusing on social life, as well as books by well-known Czech personalities and artists.

Phone: +420 545 113 777


Czechia Pražská 1279/18, 102 00 Praha 10 - Hostivař, Czechia

Publisher of literature in various genres.

  • Drahomír Rybníček, majitel

Phone: +420 568 844 553


BOBO BLOK spol. s r. o.

Czechia Voračice 4, 257 53 Vojkov, Czechia

BOBO BLOK – A Czech family company, which for three decades has been producing applied and decorative objects out of paper. Notepads, notebooks, copybooks, calendars and diaries produced in one of the most modern factories for processing paper in the Czech Republic.

  • Václav Kabát, ředitel - Director

Phone: +420 602 218 649



Czechia Staroměstské náměstí 12, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Production and printing of Czech greeting cards. Printing orders and gift products.

  • Adam Řehák, jednatel Phone: +420 775 150 466

Bookla - vydej si sám / powerprint s. r. o.

Czechia Suchdolská 1018, 252 62 Horoměřice, Czechia

Publish your book without the printing expenses! Assisting self-publishers for the last 20 years.

Books & Pipes, z. ú.

Czechia třída Kpt. Jaroše 1932/13, 602 00 Brno, Czechia

Publisher focusing on bringing out scientific and non-commercial literature.

  • Martina Slouková
  • Hana Fertigová

Bourdon a. s.

Czechia Na Perštýně 342/1, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

We publish Czech and foreign fiction and popular-science literature.


Slovakia Vajnorská 1356/50, 831 03 Bratislava, Slovakia

The BRaK initiative promotes original book programmes and their authors. It is composed of three parts: (1) BRaK-Bratislava literary festival; (2) BRaK – book design and illustration; (3) BRaK publishers, for contemporary adult fiction and children’s books.

Phone: +421 915 497 445


Czechia Malé náměstí 11, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Publisher of art by the coloured pencil artist, gallery in the centre of Prague.

  • Martin Brož, vydavatel - Publisher
  • Marie Brožová, autor - Author

Phone: +420 776 365 715


Bulharská kulturně osvětová organizace Sv. Cyrila a Metoděje v Praze o. s.

Czechia Vocelova 602/3, 120 00 Praha 2, Czechia

  • MgA. Sylvia Georgieva, Ph.D.

Phone: +420 221 419 837


Bureau International de l’Edition Française (BIEF)

France 115, bd Saint-Germain, 75006 Paris, France

  • Laurence Risson, projektová manažerka

Phone: +33 (0)1 4441 1313


Bylo nebylo

Czechia Na Kapličce 304, 149 00 Praha 4, Czechia

We publish poetry, artist’s books, children’s books and fiction for adults too.

  • Anna Pleštilová, redakce, grafika, realizace - Co-owner, Editor, Pruduction Manager
  • Helena Černohorská, redakce, distribuce - Co-owner, Editor, Pruduction Manager

Phone: +420 736 665 497


B4U Publishing - Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia Příkop 4, 604 00 Brno, Czechia

B4U Publishing is focusing on the creating original books for children. Their books have so far been published in 53 countries of the world and 41 languages.

Phone: +420 545 113 777 - recepce

Camões, I.P. - Portugalsko

Czechia Na Příkopě 29, 4. patro, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Camões, I.P. is the portuguese institute for culture and language.

  • Gilda Machado, ředitelka - Director

Phone: +420 222 514 107


CBS Nakladatelství s. r. o.

Czechia Vodní 1972, 760 01 Zlín, Czechia

Promoting Czech Republic’s natural and cultural heritage, travel and tourism.

  • Milan Paprčka, jednatel společnosti - Managing Director
  • Ing. Blanka Imramovská, obchodní ředitelka - Sales Director E-mail: imramovska@cbs-cesko.cz
    Phone: +420 773 294 445

Phone: +420 774 479 544


Centre National du Livre (CNL)

France Hôtel d’Avejan, 53 rue de Verneuil, 75343 Paris Cedex 07, France

Phone: +33 (0)1 4954 6868

Centrum experimentálního divadla, p. o.

Czechia Zelný trh 294/9, 602 00 Brno, Czechia

CED is an umbrella organisation for three unique and culturally autonomous theatres that produce and stage uncompromising works of art, all-year-round – Husa na provázku, HaDivadla and Terén – platform for performance arts.

  • Vanda Košuličová, provozně produkční náměstek E-mail: kosulicova@ced-brno.cz
    Phone: +420 736 473 521
  • Marie Hvozdecká, produkce Phone: +420 608 375 750

Phone: +420 542 123 421

Cesta domů

Czechia Heleny Kočvarové 1583/1, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

Books about dying, death and care for the dying for experts and the general public.

  • Adéla Procházková, šéfredaktorka - Editor in Chief
  • Markéta Čábelová, redaktorka - Editor

Phone: +420 778 786 761


Cesty k sobě - internetové vysílání

Czechia , , Czechia

Interesting interviews, predictions and articles with inspiring guests.

  • Adriana Ježková, produkce Phone: +420 739 042 794

Phone: +420 777 270 378

Computer Press - Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia IBC, Příkop 4, 602 00 Brno, Czechia

We publish books in the fields of computer literature and digital photography.

Phone: +420 545 113 777

CooBoo – Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia 5. května 1746/22, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

Modern young publishing house, mainly for teenagers.

Phone: +420 261 397 200 - recepce

CPress - Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia IBC, Příkop 4, 602 00 Brno, Czechia

Publishing house CPress publishes technical and popular-science literature for adult readers from various fields, also children’s literature and cookbooks.

Phone: +420 545 113 777

Nakladatelství CREW s. r. o.

Czechia Čáslavská 15, 130 00 Praha 3, Czechia

Comic book publisher.

Česká televize - Edice ČT

Czechia Kavčí hory, 140 70 Praha 4, Czechia

Publisher of books, CDs and DVDs inspired by the programmes of Czech Television.

Český rozhlas

Czechia Vinohradská 12, 120 99 Praha 2, Czechia

Public service radio, podcasts and audiobooks.


Slovakia Karloveské rameno 4B, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia

Krásy Slovenska (Beauties of the Slovak Republic) multilingual tourist guides and magazines.

  • RNDr. Daniel Kollár, CSc., ředitel - Director

Phone: +421 2 4463 1702


Dánské velvyslanectví

Czechia Maltézské nám. 5, 118 01 Praha 1 - Malá Strana, Czechia

The Danish Embassy promotes Danish culture in the Czech Republic.

Phone: +420 257 111 900


Dauphin - Daniel Podhradský

Czechia Podlesí 12, 378 81 pošta Slavonice, Czechia

A long-willed publisher.

  • Daniel Podhradský, nakladatel - Publisher E-mail: dan@dauphin.cz
    Phone: +420 777 120 613
  • Martin Gerstner, ředitel odbytu - Sales Director

Phone: +420 724 919 195


Deník N (N media a. s.)

Czechia Spálená 97/29, 110 00 Praha 1 - Nové Město, Czechia

Deník N is an independent subscription–based daily newspaper published on the denikn.cz website and in printed form. We offer contextualised news, analyses, stories, interviews and opinion pieces. Edice N series brings books on social-science topics.

Phone: +420 770 174 295



Czechia Uhelný trh 420/1, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

We are a family publishing house. Since 1992 we focus on literature on Buddhism, philosophy, personal development, female spiritual growth, natural parenting and gardening. We also offer poetry – collections by Korean, Chinese and Japanese old masters.

  • Lumír Kolíbal, jednatel - Executive Director
  • Martina Kolíbalová, jednatel - Executive Director

Phone: +420 224 238 551
Phone: +420 608 241 982



Slovakia Hýrošova 4, 811 04 Bratislava, Slovakia

Educational literature, textbooks, literature for children, picture books.

  • Mgr. Veronika Tarábková, ředitelka - Director


Slovakia Jakubovo nám. 12, 813 57 Bratislava, Slovakia

Theatre science, theatre history, world drama, Slovak drama, almanacs, catalogues.

  • Tatiana Danišová

Phone: +421 2 2048 7405

du@theatre.sk, edicne@theatre.sk

Divadlo pod Palmovkou

Czechia Zenklova 566/34, 180 00 Praha 8, Czechia

Pod Palmovkou Theatre offers successful contemporary plays as well as modern takes on classical titles.

Divadlo v Dlouhé

Czechia Dlouhá 39, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

The V Dlouhé Theatre gives performances for adults, children, young people and entire families.

Naše Nakladatelství – Dobrovský s. r. o.

Czechia Antala Staška 511/40, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

A team of enthusiastic bookworms. We publish the best of the world’s classics, contemporary bestsellers, and we are always on the lookout for new literary stars. Great titles from the young adult category, Scandinavian thrillers, and the best of sci-fi: all to be found with us. Oh, and we also publish Diana Gabaldon!

  • Adam Pýcha, ředitel marketingu a e-commerce
  • Kateřina Valterová, marketingová koordinátorka nakladatelských značek pod DOBROVSKÝ s. r. o.
  • Štěpánka Levá, marketingová koordinátorka E-mail: stepanka.leva@knihydobrovsky.cz
    Phone: +420 601 132 687

Dokořán, s. r. o.

Czechia Holečkova 9/100, 150 00 Praha 5, Czechia

Publisher of educational literature which takes excursions into journalism, fiction and poetry.

  • PhDr. Marek Pečenka, jednatel - CEO
  • Magdalena Rudolová, tajemnice - Secretary

Phone: +420 257 320 803
Phone: +420 257 320 805


Nakladatelství Domino – Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia 5. května 1746/22, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

Domino publishers specialise in translated fiction – crime novels, thrillers and social novels.

Phone: +420 261 397 200 - recepce

Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy, akciová společnost

Czechia Sokolovská 42/217, 190 00 Praha 9, Czechia

Publishers of the Public Transport Encyclopedia, Public Transport Trips and the Public Transport Contact Magazine.

  • Sedlmajer Miroslav, vedoucí oddělení Střediska dopravních informací - Head of Department E-mail: sedlmajerm@dpp.cz
    Phone: +420 725 191 482

Phone: +420 296 191 817 - infolinka


Czechia Poupětova 793/1, 170 00 Praha 7, Czechia

The largest independent contemporary-art institution in the Czech Republic - exhibition space, DOX+ multifunctional hall, the Gulliver airship, design shop, bookshop and The Fine Arts Archive. Our programme incorporates all genres, encouraging critical reflection of current social issues.

  • Anežka Horáčková, Dox office / členství - Dox Office / Memberships E-mail: horackova@dox.cz
    Phone: +420 295 568 111
  • Simona Brožová, Project Manager - Project Manager E-mail: simona@dox.cz

Phone: +420 295 568 111


Dům národnostních menšin o. p. s.

Czechia Vocelova 602/3, 120 00 Praha 2, Czechia

Supporting national minorities that publish magazines and other materials in minority languages or multilingual editions.

Phone: +420 777 905 223

Václav Dvořák

Czechia V Horkách 242/7, 460 07 Liberec, Czechia

Adventures from outer space for children, young people and their parents.

  • Václav Dvořák Phone: +420 608 745 112


Czechia Na Okraji 327/49, 162 00 Praha 6, Czechia

Martin Slunečko, TV director, screenwriter and occasional publisher.

  • PaedDr. Martin Slunečko

Phone: +420 602 472 469


Edika - Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia IBC, Příkop 4, 602 00 Brno, Czechia

EDIKA produces publications and multimedia for education, with a special emphasis on languages, children’s textbooks and psychology.

Phone: +420 545 113 753

Egmont – Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia 5. května 1746/22, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

Egmont, publishers of books and comic books for children and young adults.

Phone: +420 261 397 200 - recepce

EGREŠ, o. z.

Slovakia Račianska 78 (Nová Cvernovka), 831 02 Bratislava, Slovakia

Children´s books, picture books.

  • Zuzana Mitošinková, CEO

Ella & Max – PRESCO GROUP, a. s.

Czechia U Pekařky 484/1a, 180 00 Praha 8, Czechia

Ella & Max, a publishing brand of the PRESCO GROUP company, entered the market in 2016. Our reading audience are children of 1 to 12 years of age. We cooperate with major international publishers and we are also proud to present our very own original projects. Ella & Max titles have been awarded at prestigious book competitions.

  • JUDr. Petr Skokan, Partner
  • Alena Viltová, Publishing Program Director

Phone: +420 222 922 040

info@ellamax.cz, info@pg.cz

Embassy of Spain in Prague

Czechia Badeniho 401/4, 170 00 Praha 7, Czechia

Collective exhibition of new Spanish books on diverse subjects.

  • Bernardo López López-Ríos, Deputy Head of Mission
  • Věra Jilemnická, Cultural Section

Phone: +420 233 097 211


Nakladatelství Epocha s. r. o.

Czechia Kaprova 12, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

History, non-fiction, militaria, fiction, sci-fi and fantasy, books for children and young readers, sport.

Phone: +420 224 810 352

Euromedia Group, a. s.

Czechia Nádražní 762/32, 150 00 Praha 5, Czechia

Euromedia Group - publisher of books under the Brána, Esence, Granit, Ikar, Laser, Listen, Kalibr, Odeon, Pikola, Pragma, Universum, Yoli, audiobooks Témbr and e-books.

Phone: +420 778 114 911

Filosofia, nakladatelství Filosofického ústavu AV ČR, v. v. i.

Czechia Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

We publish books on philosophy and studies in related disciplines.

  • Mgr. Jakub Hromek

Phone: +420 221 183 356


FINIDR, s. r. o.

Czechia Lípová 1965, P. O. Box 135, 737 01 Český Těšín, Czechia

FINIDR printing house is one of the biggest producers of hardback and paperback books in Central Europe.

  • Miroslava Lasotová, obchodní manažer - Sales Manager E-mail: mlasotova@finidr.cz
    Phone: +420 558 772 250, +420 777 795 139
  • Jiří Matuszek, obchodní manažer - Sales Manager E-mail: jmatuszek@finidr.cz
    Phone: +420 558 772 290, +420 604 679 719

Finské velvyslanectví

Czechia Hellichova 1, 118 00 Praha 1, Czechia

The Embassy of Finland promotes Finnish-Czech cultural cooperation.

Phone: +420 251 177 251


Fortuna – nakladatelství učebnic

Czechia Ostrovní 30, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Textbooks for elementary and secondary schools, specialized publications for the general public.

Phone: +420 603 264 204


Fox in the Box

Czechia Tylova 775/8, 405 01 Děčín 2, Czechia

Publisher of unusual desk games for demanding players.

  • David Hanáček, majitel - Owner

Phone: +420 724 909 186


Nakladatelství Fragment - Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia 5. května 1746/22, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

Fiction and popular-science literature for children and young adult.

Phone: +420 261 397 200 - recepce

Francouzské velvyslanectví

Czechia Buquoyský palác - Velkopřevorské náměstí 2, 118 01 Praha 1, Czechia

Phone: +420 251 171 711

Francouzský institut v Paříži - Institut Français

France 8–14 Rue du Capitaine Scott, 75015 Paris, France

Phone: +33 (0)1 5369 8300

Francouzský institut v Praze - French Institute in Prague

Czechia Štěpánská 35, P. O. Box 850, 111 21 Praha 1, Czechia

Promotes French and Francophone cultures in the Czech Republic and offers French courses.

  • Simon Gilmer, Atašé pro spolupráci v oblasti literatury a názorových debat - Head of the Book & Ideas Department E-mail: simon.gilmer@ifp.cz
  • Mylène Garin, projektová manažerka v oblasti literatury a názorových debat - Project Manager in the Book & Ideas Department E-mail: mylene.garin@ifp.cz

Phone: +420 221 401 036

Nakladatelství Fraus, s. r. o.

Czechia Edvarda Beneše 72, 301 00 Plzeň, Czechia

Helping the Czech education system for the past 30 years. Our main objective is to motivate children to think and discover for themselves, not only in education but especially in their future lives. We are the biggest national publisher of textbooks, offering comprehensive and professional education support. Fraus has also authored a unique hybrid teaching support concept based on meaningfully combining the traditional world of paper with digital technologies.

  • Pavel Brejcha, ředitel redakce, obchodu a marketingu

Phone: +420 377 226 102


Knihkupectví a antikvariát; Knižní distribuce FRYČ

Czechia Pražská 14, 460 01 Liberec, Czechia

Second-hand stand – hundreds of books and vinyls from the stocks of second-hand bookshops. Literary Mile – thousands of second-hand books at very attractive prices. Bookshop stand – books from uplands of the North (Giant and Jizera Mountains, Liberec, etc.).

Phone: +420 485 105 243

Galén, spol. s r. o.

Czechia Na Popelce 3144/10A, 150 00 Praha 5, Czechia

Galén publishers were founded in 1993 with focus on expert and educational literature from the field of medicine. Gradually, its publishing portfolio expanded – Galén systematically maps the independent music scene of the 1970s and 80s, and besides a namesake edition it also brings out memoirs, novels, books of interviews, poetry collections, song lyrics, etc.

Phone: +420 602 139 914


Garamond - Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia 5. května 1746/22, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

Publisher of translation fiction and non-fiction books.

Phone: +420 261 397 200 - recepce

Goethe-Institut Česká republika

Czechia Masarykovo nábřeží 32, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with worldwide reach, active in Prague since the year 1990. It offers language education, seminars for teachers of German, and is also active in all fields of cultural programmes. Its library offers books and media in the German and Czech languages.

  • Sonja Griegoschewski, ředitelka - Director
  • Petra Kulovaná, vedoucí knihovny - Head of Library

Phone: +420 221 962 111

Golden Dog

Czechia Svatojanská 703, 382 32 Velešín, Czechia

Golden Dog is a publishing house dedicated to Czech and foreign horror authors.

  • Martin Štefko, majitel - Publisher

Phone: +420 728 224 010


Historický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.

Czechia Prosecká 809/76, 190 00 Praha 9, Czechia

We focus on expert literature with emphasis on Czech history in the Central European context from 10th to 20th century, and, to a lesser extent, on the history of other states and regions.

Phone: +420 225 443 252


HOST – vydavatelství, s. r. o.

Czechia Radlas 5, 602 00 Brno, Czechia

Publishes high-quality Czech prose and poetry, fiction in translation, crime fiction, thrillers, sci-fi and fantasy, literature for children and young people, literary theory and educational literature.

Phone: +420 545 212 747


Chvojkovo nakladatelství

Czechia Hlivická 427, 181 00 Praha 8, Czechia

Publisher of fiction, spiritual and esoteric literature.

  • Milada Malá, majitelka - Owner

Phone: +420 606 358 389



Czechia Bořivojova 35, 130 00 Praha 3, Czechia

The aim of Ideál publishers is to provide ample scope for publishing in the fields of history, philosophy, religion, family counselling and art. We produce non-fiction, biographies of leading personalities and studies on ethical themes.

  • Juraj Lajda, ředitel

Phone: +420 602 369 214


IKAR, a. s.

Slovakia Miletičová 23, 821 09 Bratislava, Slovakia

Fiction, non-fiction, social science, cookbooks, literature for children, graphic publications.

Phone: +421 2 4910 4311

Imagine Media, s. r. o.

Czechia U Panského dvora 986/3, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem, Czechia

Publishers of books on the Central Bohemian Uplands and the Ore Mountains.

  • Jiří Svoboda, jednatel - Managing Director

Phone: +420 725 099 943


Incheba a. s.

Slovakia Viedenská cesta 3-7, 851 01 Bratislava, Slovakia

Organizer of Slovakia’s largest book fair BIBLIOTEKA.

  • Ivan Veselý, manažer veletrhu - Trade Fair Manager E-mail: ivesely@incheba.sk
    Phone: +421 903 204 452

Phone: +421 2 6727 3345


Instituto Cervantes de Praga

Czechia Na Rybníčku 536/6, 120 00 Praha 2, Czechia

Promotes the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries and offers courses in Spanish.

  • Gemma Martínez, ekonomická ředitelka – Head of Administration
  • Jesús Clavero Rodríguez, vedoucí kulturního oddělení - Culture Manager
  • Daniel García Giménez, knihovník - Librarian

Phone: +420 221 595 211


Honorární konzulát Islandu v ČR

Czechia Za Poříčskou bránou 365/21, 186 00 Praha 8, Czechia

Helping Icelandic citizens in the Czech Republic and promoting Icelandic-Czech co-operation.

  • JUDR. Klára Dvořáková, honorární konzulka - Honorary Consul

Phone: +420 212 242 091


Istituto Italiano di Cultura

Czechia Šporkova 14, 118 00 Praha 1 – Malá Strana, Czechia

  • Letizia Kostner

Phone: +420 257 090 681
Phone: +420 724 388 686


JAHODA, z. ú.

Czechia Vybíralova 969/2, 198 00 Praha 9 - Černý Most, Czechia

JAHODA is a non-profit organisation, which offers its services to children, youth, families and the general public living in Prague. It manages low-threshold clubs, street-work programmes, a nursery school, children groups, and community family center. In June, it regularly organises a festival of free-time activities in Prague's Černý Most called Strawberry Fields.

jakost / Jana Kostelecká

Czechia Šmeralova 22, 170 00 Praha 7, Czechia

Non-fiction books for children and young people focusing on architecture, design, music, the universe, oceans, nature, etc.

  • Jana Kostelecká, nakladatel - Publisher E-mail: jakost@gmail.com
    Phone: +420 736 533 232

Janáčkova akademie múzických umění

Czechia Novobranská 3, 662 15 Brno, Czechia

Publishes works for study purposes and specialized works on the theory and history of music and theatre.

  • doc. Mgr. Klára Hanáková, Ph.D., provozní ředitelka Nakladatelství JAMU - Managing Director of the JAMU Publishing House E-mail: khanakova@jamu.cz
    Phone: +420 773 745 097
  • Václav Kovář, distribuce a prodej publikací - Distribution and Sale of Publications E-mail: kovar@jamu.cz
    Phone: +420 542 592 206
  • Mgr. Jan Charypar, distribuce a prodej publikací - Distribution and Sale of Publications E-mail: charypar@jamu.cz
    Phone: +420 542 592 105

Phone: +420 542 592 203

Karmelitánské nakladatelství

Czechia Thákurova 676/3, 160 00 Praha 6 - Dejvice, Czechia

The Carmelite Publishing House produces mainly Christian and value-oriented literature of various genres, notably spiritual and psychological literature, novels, short stories, interviews, biographies and children’s literature. It runs a chain of bookshops and its own distribution service.

  • Stanislav Přibyl, jednatel - Executive Director
  • David Tesař, manažer obchodu - Business Manager Phone: +420 602 766 049

Kartografie PRAHA, a. s.

Czechia Ostrovní 30, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Traditional producer of maps and atlases of all kinds and sizes.

Phone: +420 221 969 446


Jiří Brauner - Kartuziánské nakladatelství

Czechia Kartouzská 225/6, 612 00 Brno, Czechia

Publishing house established in 1994. We specialise in topics such as the gulags and WWII – the holocaust.


Slovakia Ludanská cesta 27, 934 05 Levice 5, Slovakia

Fiction, literature & criticism, poetry.

  • Koloman Kertész Bagala, vydavatel - Publisher

Nakladatelství KNIHA ZLÍN – Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia 5. května 1746/22, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

Kniha Zlín publishers focus on contemporary Czech and world fiction, books on natural and social sciences.

Phone: +420 261 397 200 - recepce

Knihovna Václava Havla, o. p. s.

Czechia Ostrovní 129/13, 110 00 Praha 1 - Nové Město, Czechia

Václav Havel Library publishes texts by the playwright, dissident and president Václav Havel, texts about him and other related literature.

  • Karolína Stránská, vedoucí kanceláře - Chief Operations Officer
  • Petr Kalaš, knihovník / archivář - Librarian / Archivist E-mail: petr.kalas@vaclavhavel.cz

Phone: +420 222 220 112
Phone: +420 732 513 820

Komárovo knihkupectví

Czechia , , Czechia

Internet and festival sci-fi & fantasy bookshop.

Kosmas s. r. o.

Czechia Lublaňská 34, 120 00 Praha 2, Czechia

Wholesaler with 37 of its own bookstores - Shop of the Year 2019 - books - e-books - audiobooks - music.

  • Ctirad Fuchs, obchodní ředitel - Director of Business Department
  • Lenka Dvořáková, vedoucí e-shopu www.kosmas.cz - Head of E-shop www.kosmas.cz

Phone: +420 226 519 800


NAMA Productions Prague – KRIŠNA PRO DĚTI

Czechia Grussova 828/10, 152 00 Praha 5, Czechia

KRISHNA FOR CHILDREN from five to ninety five.

  • Jaromír Němec, scénárista, vydavatel

Phone: +420 728 589 849


Krystal OP

Czechia Husova 8, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Krystal OP publishes theological, spiritual, philosophical and Dominican literature. On the broad spectrum of theological thought, its direction is largely conservative, although it is not closed to new streams of theology. It strives to combine professional quality with educational depth while retaining its intellectual accessibility for the widest possible readership.

  • Jiří Kopecký, jednatel - Manager

Phone: +420 770 600 508



Czechia Dittrichova 5, 120 00 Praha 2, Czechia

Labyrint publishes fiction, comic books and art books. Books for children bear the imprint Raketa.

  • Joachim Dvořák, majitel - Owner

Phone: +420 224 922 422


Martin Kubáč – autor Limbyho pohádkového světa

Czechia Zárybská 2393, 250 01 Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav, Czechia

Author of Limby’s World of Storytelling, illustrator, writer, publisher.

  • Martin Kubáč

Phone: +420 608 069 604



Czechia Vackova 9, 612 00 Brno, Czechia

Everything you need in the fields of languages, travel and discovery. Books for children and adults.

  • RNDr. Michaela Ševečková, jednatel

Phone: +420 541 233 160


Loris Games

Czechia Šmeralova 198/25, 170 00 Praha 7, Czechia

Publishing board games for schools and geeks alike :) Ypsilonia, Yokai, River of Gold...

  • Jiří Simonides, obchod, marketing, vývoj her E-mail: jiri.simonides@lorisgames.cz
    Phone: +420 606 404 819
  • Ondřej Kareš, CEO, vývoj her

LÚČ, vydavateľské družstvo Bratislava

Slovakia Štítová 1, 841 10 Bratislava, Slovakia

Fiction, history, education, religion literature, children‘s books.

Phone: +421 2 6573 0331

LUXOR - síť knihkupectví

Czechia Nádražní 762/32 , 150 00 Praha 5, Czechia

Czech Republic’s largest network of bookstores, offering a wide selection of books, audiobooks, records, gifts and stationery.

Phone: +420 778 114 911

Madal Bal a. s.

Czechia Bartošova 40, 760 01 Zlín, Czechia

Cards with aphorisms, spiritual literature and music, meditation courses.

  • Abhejali Bernardová, vedoucí nakladatelství - Publishing House Director Phone: +420 577 599 780, +420 605 231 433

Phone: +420 577 599 777
Phone: +420 605 163 746
Fax: +420 577 599 799


LISZTŮV INSTITUT – Maďarské kulturní centrum Praha

Czechia Rytířká 25-27, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

The Hungarian culture centre, whose work is to present Hungarian culture to a largely Czech public, has been operating in Prague since 1953. This year’s exhibition is a varied palette of Hungarian book production (mostly contemporary fiction), plus the latest Czech translations.

  • Attila Gál, literární referent - Programme Manager

Phone: +420 224 222 424


Maďarsko - Petőfi Ügynökség Nonprofit Zrt.

Hungary Hajógyár utca 18386/5, 1033 Budapest, Hungary

The aim of Petőfi Literary Fund is to promote classical and contemporary Hungarian authors’ works abroad and to contribute to the foreign-language publishing of Hungarian literature.

Časopis Makovice

Czechia Malešická 109, 108 00 Praha 10, Czechia

Makovice – a bimonthly magazine full of puzzles and quizzes connected by a story for readers aged 8 to 108.

  • Běla Gelná, redakce - Executive
  • Irena Hladká, redakce - Editor
  • Kateřina Korbařová, redakce - Editor

Phone: +420 775 988 819


Nakladatelství Malvern

Czechia Hošťálkova 29, 169 00 Praha 6, Czechia

Spirituality, children´s literature, fiction, poetry, humanities.

  • Jakub Hlaváček, ředitel - Director
  • Petra Součková, Rights Manager

Phone: +420 724 008 286


Management Press - Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia 5. května 1746/22, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

Modern publishing house offering books on contemporary topics and trends in the fields of personal and career growth, finances, business and economics.

Phone: +420 545 113 777

mapcards.net, s. r. o.

Czechia Vinohrady 29, 639 00 Brno, Czechia

Non-fiction, untraditional guide books. 3D bookmarks and postcards.

  • Klára Kuncová, obchod, marketing - Sales, Marketing E-mail: klara@mapcards.net
    Phone: +420 731 452 971

Phone: +420 543 213 800


Mapcentrum s. r. o. / Česká pohádková akademie z. s.

Czechia Rudolfovská 13, 370 01 České Budějovice, Czechia

Publishing, distribution, souvenirs, mysterious maps and books.

  • Mgr. Marcel Goetz, jednatel - Executive Director

Phone: +420 602 443 189


Marenčin PT

Slovakia Jelenia 6, 811 05 Bratislava, Slovakia

Fiction, non-fiction.

  • Albert Marenčin

Phone: +421 2 2072 3752


Masarykova univerzita / Nakladatelství Munipress

Czechia Rybkova 19, 601 00 Brno, Czechia

Leading publisher of academic and scientific literature. It publishes over 400 books and magazines each year.

Phone: +420 549 496 484


Meander Publishing - Ing. Ivana Pecháčková

Czechia Vratislavova 7, 128 00 Praha 2, Czechia

Unmistakable art books for children, children’s books for adults and comics books for all; some just starting out, some legends like Vaclav Havel.

  • Ivana Pecháčková, šéfredaktorka - Editor in Chief
  • Markéta Semotánová, obchod a marketing - Sales & Marketing E-mail: marketa@meander.cz
    Phone: +420 724 312 300

Phone: +420 792 832 221 - Knihkupectví Meander


MEGABOOKS CZ, spol. s r. o.

Czechia Třebohostická 2283/2, 100 00 Praha 10 - Strašnice, Czechia

Import and distribution of foreign literature in many world languages.

Phone: +420 226 220 817

Mendelova univerzita v Brně

Czechia Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno, Czechia

Mendel University Press familiarizes the professional and lay public with the scientific and pedagogical potential of the university, makes available and promotes results of science and research by the publishing of periodicals and books on specialist themes, and supports the education process by the publishing and distribution of study materials. It contributes to the good name of the university at home and abroad.

  • Ing. Věra Svobodová, vedoucí Ústavu vědecko-pedagogických informací a služeb - Department Director
  • Mgr. Milan Hošek, vedoucí Vydavatelství - Head of Publishing House E-mail: milan.hosek@mendelu.cz

Phone: +420 545 132 810

Městská divadla pražská, p. o.

Czechia V Jámě 1, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

ABC, Komedie, Rokoko. Three open, active, and progressive theatre scenes in Prague.

  • Markéta Damková Phone: +420 728 764 530

Phone: +420 222 996 111


Městská knihovna v Praze

Czechia Mariánské nám. 1, 115 72 Praha 1, Czechia

Library = book loans, e-books available, public space, events.

Phone: +420 222 113 555


MEZI NÁMI, o. p. s.

Czechia Medinská 1168/26, 190 14 Praha 9, Czechia

Programmes supporting encounters between people of all generations.

  • Pavla Janoušková, koordinátor mezigeneračních aktivit - Coordinator of Intergenerational Activities E-mail: pavla.janouskova@mezi-nami.cz
    Phone: +420 603 390 672

Phone: +420 604 356 300


Mikula s. r. o.

Slovakia Belinského 18, 851 01 Bratislava, Slovakia

Dictionaries, textbooks.

  • Vojtech Mikula

Phone: +421 2 6252 3471
Fax: +421 2 6252 3472


MINDOK s. r. o.

Czechia Korunní 104, 101 00 Praha 10, Czechia

Publisher of a modern board games for adults and children.

  • Monika Cihelková, obchodní manažer - Sales Manager

Phone: +420 272 656 610
Phone: +420 737 279 589
Fax: +420 272 656 610


Mladá fronta, a. s. - Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia 5. května 1746/22, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

Mladá fronta was established in 1945 and focuses on translated and Czech fiction, popular-science literature, non-fiction literature and books for children.

Phone: +420 261 397 200 - recepce


Slovakia Brnianska 25, 811 04 Bratislava, Slovakia

Children´s books, fiction, picture books.

  • Peter Michalík

Phone: +421 917 535 573


Moravské zemské muzeum

Czechia Zelný trh 6, 659 37 Brno, Czechia

Specialised magazines and monographs, popular-science literature, catalogues.

  • Milan Mačinec, vedoucí edičního oddělení - Head of the Department
  • Ivana Kovandová, obchodní referent - Sales Representative

Phone: +420 515 910 469
Phone: +420 515 910 476


MOTTO - Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia 5. května 1746/22, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

MOTTO publishes novels and humour fiction by leading and emerging Czech authors, quality global crime fiction and psychological thrillers.

Phone: +420 261 397 200 - recepce

Wydawnictwo Muchomor

Poland ul. Wąchocka 11/13 m 1, 03-934 Warsaw, Poland

Books for children.

Phone: +48 22 839 4968
Fax: +48 22 839 4968


Muslimská obec v Praze

Czechia Kaprova 42/14, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Religious association.

  • Dr. Vladimír Sáňka, jednatel

Phone: +420 605 773 300


Muzeum města Prahy

Czechia Kožná 1/475, 110 01 Praha 1, Czechia

We present the best of Prague through the centuries. We manage eight buildings accessible to visitors where they can learn about the history and the present of the city.

Phone: +420 221 012 911


Muzikál Expres / Musical Media

Czechia Skořepka 423/9, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Publishers of printed materials and records from the world of musical theatre and film.

  • Andrea Machová, produkce / PR - Production / PR E-mail: andrea@partida.cz
    Phone: +420 775 170 801
  • Michael Prostějovský, producent - Producer

Mystery Press s. r. o.

Czechia Šafaříkova 370/11, 120 00 Praha 2 - Vinohrady, Czechia

Publisher specialising in foreign and domestic genre fiction.

Phone: +420 724 244 820

Národní filmový archiv

Czechia Závišova 502/5, 140 00 Praha 4 - Nusle, Czechia

National film archive is one of the crucial domestic publishers of books on film theory and history. It publishes books, issues Czech movies (DVD/BD) and Iluminace magazine focused on theoretical reflection on cinematography.

  • Dagmar Dobiášová, e-shop, distribuce knih a nosičů - e-shop, distribution of goods E-mail: dagmar.dobiasova@nfa.cz
    Phone: +420 778 488 017

Phone: +420 778 488 017


Národní galerie Praha

Czechia Staroměstské nám. 12, 110 15 Praha 1, Czechia

NGP PUBLISHING - The Publishing Department is a special-purpose facility administering National Gallery Prague’s publishing activity in close cooperation with art historians, curators, lecturers, collections, and the Gallery’s library. The department’s expert output is determined by its specialist focus. Apart from traditional printed matter—exhibition catalogues, collection inventories, guides, professional journals, conference proceedings, artist monographs—we also publish specialist books about art and related fields (art theory and philosophy, museology, art history archives, etc.), books introducing the Gallery’s collections, and children’s books. Increased output by National Gallery staff (exhibitions, research, education, etc.) has also effected a substantial increase in the Department’s book production over the past few years. Books are published in foreign-language mutations, making them suitable items for interlibrary publication exchange, and presenting the Gallery as a developed institution. HISTORY - In the late 1990s, the National Gallery continued with its usual editorial work. In accordance with the Gallery’s organisational structure of the time, specialist and technical work was carried out separately within individual collections. The Gallery’s Central Publishing Department had been dissolved following a reorganisation in 1997. This resulted in a heterogeneity of imprint content, especially of style and execution. When Professor Milan Knížák became the Gallery’s new Director-General, the idea arose in the second half of 1999 of streamlining the Gallery’s publishing politics into a single unit, rather than letting individual collections build their editorial imprints without taking into consideration the Gallery’s public profile. Instead of mechanically restoring old practice, the goal was to create an entirely new concept geared towards the establishment of a specialised publishing house. The Gallery had good prerequisites, having published printed matter in the past, and with collections constituting a rare and extensive source of visual material suitable for reproduction, ready to be put to effective use in its entirety. The Gallery noted the absence of a Czech-based publisher with a systematic focus on specialist (as well as popular) books about art. The decision was therefore made to fill this gap by establishing a specialised publishing house as from 2nd January 2002.

  • Alicja Knast, generální ředitelka - General Director
  • Marek Novobílský, ředitel obchodního odboru - Head of Sales Department E-mail: marek.novobilsky@ngprague.cz
    Phone: +420 602 421 222

Národní knihovna ČR – National Library of the Czech Republic

Czechia Klementinum 190, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

The National Library is one of the oldest public libraries in the Czech Republic with collections of a size far outranking any other library in the country. It acquires, preserves, continuously updates and provides access to its rich collections, both domestic and foreign, especially of Bohemica and documents from the spheres of social and natural sciences. The National Library is, among other, Czech Republic’s largest digitalisation centre. Klementinum publishing house and gallery form the library’s integral part.

  • Martina Košanová, ředitelka odboru komunikace - Director of Centre for Communication Phone: +420 602 811 320

Phone: +420 221 663 275 - Oddělení PR a marketingu


Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského

Czechia Valdštejnská 161/20, 118 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Museum and library institution with an accent on teaching.

  • PhDr. Markéta Pánková, ředitelka
  • Ing. Martina Šenkárčinová, zástupce ředitelky E-mail: senkarcinova@npmk.cz

Phone: +420 257 220 325

Národní technické muzeum

Czechia Kostelní 42, 170 78 Praha 7, Czechia

The NTM manages collections that document developments in engineering.

  • Bc. Jan Duda, vedoucí oddělení prezentace a práce s veřejností - Head of PR Department E-mail: jan.duda@ntm.cz
    Phone: +420 770 121 917

Phone: +420 220 399 111
Fax: +420 220 399 200


Shromáždění Němců v Čechách na Moravě a ve Slezsku

Czechia Vocelova 602/3, 120 00 Praha 2, Czechia

  • Mgr. Martin Dzingel

Phone: +420 775 905 183


Kulturní sdružení občanů německé národnosti v ČR

Czechia Vocelova 602/3, 120 00 Praha 2, Czechia

  • Irena Nováková

Phone: +420 602 846 018



Czechia U Smaltovny 23, 170 00 Praha 7, Czechia

Publisher publishing works by KAREL PECKA - Malostranské humoresky [Malá Strana Humoresques] - 1st complete edition, illustrations by Jiří SLÍVA - NEW! - Pasáž [Passage] - Motáky nezvěstnému [Notes to the Missing Man] - Na co umírají muži [What Men Die Of] - Veliký slunovrat [The Great Solstice] - Souhvězdí Gulag Karla Pecky [Karel Pecka’s Constellation Gulag].

Norské velvyslanectví

Czechia Hellichova 458/1, 118 00 Praha 1, Czechia

The Norwegian Embassy promotes Norwegian-Czech cultural cooperation.

  • Helena Ganická

Phone: +420 257 111 500


Nová Akropolis z. s.

Czechia Varšavská 19, 120 00 Praha 2, Czechia

Publisher of books on philosophy, history and social sciences.

  • Eva Bímová, ředitelka - Director

Phone: +420 222 515 152
Phone: +420 608 501 040


Novela bohemica, s. r. o.

Czechia Jana Růžičky 1143/11, 148 00 Praha 4 - Kunratice, Czechia

We publish fiction, essays and non-fiction, opening up new perspectives on Czechia and the world.

  • Zdenko Pavelka, jednatel - Executive Director

Phone: +420 723 139 857


Obaly na knihy Decente BB

Czechia Na Vyhlídce 1533, 564 01 Žamberk, Czechia

Textile covers for hand-made Czech books. Our covers are made from high-quality materials, are reinforced and have a sewn-in bookmark. We provide traditional and adjustable covers in many designs and sizes. Now we sew doubled-sided fabric book-covers, too.

  • Ing. Barbora Bartošová

Phone: +420 602 743 688


Czechia Černá 3, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Publishers focusing on works emerging from the best tradition of Europe’s philosophy and theology.

  • Matyáš Nádassy, technický redaktor - Editorial Office
  • Ivan Chvatík, předseda - Chairman of the Society

Phone: +420 606 751 999


Nakladatelství Olympia, s. r. o.

Czechia Werichova 973, 252 67 Velké Přílepy, Czechia

Publishing activities, DTP studio, printing office, bookbindery.

  • Ing. Karel Hejna, ředitel - Director E-mail: khejna@iolympia.cz
    Phone: +420 602 379 605
  • Tomáš Hejna, šéfredaktor - Editor in Chief E-mail: thejna@iolympia.cz
    Phone: +420 721 014 343


Czechia Makovského 1338/18, 163 00 Praha 6 - Řepy, Czechia

Our range of audiobooks comprises of works by contemporary writers, but also modern classics and playful stories for children. We don´t see audiobook as mere re-reading of the book, but as an interpretation art with its own atmosphere created by quality sound work and original music.

  • Ing. Tereza Špetlíková, redaktorka - Editress Phone: +420 730 102 090
  • Michaela Merglová, PR, marketing
  • Ing. Martin Pilař, vydavatel - Publisher

Phone: +420 774 448 991


Palmknihy - Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia 5. května 1746/22, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

Online bookshop offering all book formats; it is a part of the Albatros Media publishing group. Our booth features the production of the following publishers: Albatros, B4U Publishing, Baronet, BizBooks, CooBoo, CPress, Edika, Egmont, Fragment, Garamond, Kniha Zlín, Mladá fronta, Motto, nastole, Vyšehrad, VOXI, XYZ and the Pointa online publishing service.

Phone: +420 261 397 200 - recepce

Klub deskových her Paluba

Czechia Lidická 40, 150 00 Praha 5 - Smíchov, Czechia

Board games club open to wide public. 1900 games, 200 brain teasers.

Phone: +420 222 725 822 (222 - PALUBA)

Panteon - Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia 5. května 1746/22, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

Panteon publishes translated fiction, especially books by Jonas Jonasson.

Phone: +420 261 397 200 – recepce


Czechia Křenová 186/60, 602 00 Brno, Czechia

Entire range from business cards to large-format books and exclusive catalogues. We specialise in V1, V2, V4, V7 and V8 binding, providing offset and flexographic printing. Our offer covers the complete process of book production, including all the required explanations and consulting.

Nakladatelství PASEKA s. r. o.

Czechia Vítkova 286/5, 186 00 Praha 8 - Karlín, Czechia

Traditional Czech publishing house. Literature in Czech original and translation, nonfiction, comics, children’s literature and other genres.

  • Ing. Anna Rezková Horáčková, majitelka nakladatelství - Director
  • Filip Mikeš, vedoucí obchodního oddělení - Sales Manager

Phone: +420 222 710 751
Phone: +420 734 603 236


Martin Patřičný

Czechia Debrno 6, 278 01 Kralupy nad Vltavou, Czechia

Works primarily with wood and writes. Author’s latest books – Sparks and Chords and The Art of Wood.

  • Martin Patřičný, výtvarník, spisovatel - Artist, Writer

Phone: +420 607 880 305

Pavel Mervart

Czechia Lhota 330, P. O. Box 5, 549 41 Červený Kostelec, Czechia

Philosophy, history, Christianity, anthropology, biology, poetry.

  • Pavel Mervart, majitel - Owner

Phone: +420 604 234 510


PERFEKT, a. s.

Slovakia Cukrová 14, 811 08 Bratislava 1, Slovakia

Non-fiction, popular-science literature, books for children, reference books.

  • Mgr. Zuzana Katrušinová, Deputy Director

Phone: +421 2 5249 9785


Mgr. Petra Laura Maxová

Czechia , , Czechia

Author and publisher of speech-therapy and educational books for children.

Nakladatelství Petrkov - Petr Novotný

Czechia Havlíčkovo náměstí 180, 580 01 Havlíčkův Brod, Czechia

Petrkov publishes books for children and young people and poetry and fiction in original Czech and translation. Its core authors include Pavel Čech, Bohuslav Reynek, Roberto Innocenti, and Pavel and Táňa Ondrašík.


Czechia Dobročovická 1697/54, 100 00 Praha 10, Czechia

A monthly magazine focusing on current pop culture phenomena with an emphasis on fantasy, science fiction, horror, history, games and festivals. It contains six sections: film, literature, games, history and mythology, stories and geek zone. It is published in two mutations: Pevnost and Pevnost Plus with a book supplement + in electronic version at www.digitania.cz.

  • Ing. Kristina Nowakowska, vydavatel - Publisher Phone: +420 736 769 601
  • Martin Fajkus, šéfredaktor - Editor in Chief

PEXI, s. r. o. – distribuce naučných her a hraček

Czechia Podnikatelská 553, 190 11 Praha 9, Czechia

Educational and board games by Alexander, Right games, Hra školou®, Evoluce,Velcro; Logopedic and creative games, PlayFoam® featherweight modelling substance, E-shop: www.pexik.cz

  • Marcel Pech, obchodní ředitel

Phone: +420 222 762 000


Piatnik Praha s. r. o.

Czechia K Vypichu 1087, 252 19 Rudná, Czechia

Production and sale of board and family games, cards and puzzles. Its history goes back to 1824.

  • Štěpánka Zoubková, prodej a marketing - Sales and Marketing

Phone: +420 235 351 100
Phone: +420 737 279 703


Pistorius & Olšanská

Czechia Pražská 128, 261 01 Příbram, Czechia

Publishes original Czech and translated fiction and non-fiction.

  • RNDr. Vladimír Pistorius, jednatel - Executive Director E-mail: vladimir@pistorius.cz
    Phone: +420 739 041 770

PLAV –⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ měsíčník pro světovou literaturu

Czechia Plynární 39, 170 00 Praha 7, Czechia

Magazine on world literature. Translations, interviews, essays, reviews.

Společnost přátel podkarpatské Rusi

Czechia Vocelova 602/3, 120 00 Praha 2, Czechia

  • Dagmar Březinová

Polský institut v Praze

Czechia Národní 961/25 (palác Metro - schodiště B, 2. patro), 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Polish Institute Prague promotes literature and culture of Poland in the Czech Republic.

  • Lucie Zakopalová, programový expert - Events & Production Manager E-mail: lucie.zakopalova@instytutpolski.pl
    Phone: +420 722 963 173
  • Beata Mocová, programový expert - Events & Production Manager

Phone: +420 220 410 415

Polský Knižní institut – Instytut Książki

Poland ul. Zygmunta Wróblewskiego 6, 31-148 Krakow, Poland
Poland Pobočka - Branch Office: Foksal 17, II piętro, 00-372 Varšava, Poland

The Polish Book Institute basic aims are to popularise books and reading within Poland and promote Polish literature worldwide.

Phone: +48 12 617 1900
Phone: +48 22 5515 910 - Varšava - Warsaw
Fax: +48 12 623 7682

biuro@instytutksiazki.pl, warszawa@instytutksiazki.pl

Portál, s. r. o.

Czechia Klapkova 1867/2, 182 00 Praha 8 - Kobylisy, Czechia

Portál publishes books and magazines on education and upbringing, psychology, sociology, politology and social work, and collections of games and ideas for the development of creativity.

  • Mgr. Martin Bedřich, Ph.D., jednatel - Executive Director
  • Mgr. Milan Miškařík, vedoucí obchodního oddělení - Sales Manager
  • Bc. Kateřina Kokešová, vedoucí marketingu - Marketing Manager

Phone: +420 283 028 111


Nakladatelství Práh s. r. o.

Czechia Smiřického 492/3, 169 00 Praha 6 - Břevnov, Czechia

Well-established, with a long tradition and personalized approach; top titles for children and young people, bestsellers for adults.

  • Martin Vopěnka, majitel, jednatel - Owner, Director E-mail: vopenka@prah.cz
    Phone: +420 603 350 055
  • Jakub Kadlec, redaktor - Editor E-mail: kadlec@prah.cz
    Phone: +420 777 403 033

Praha město literatury

Czechia Bělohorská 56/1666, 169 00 Praha 6, Czechia

Coordinates Prague’s membership in the UNESCO Creative Cities of Literature Network.

  • Kateřina Bajo

Phone: +420 731 621 139


BORGIS a. s. – vydavatelství deníku PRÁVO

Czechia Slezská 2127/13, 121 50 Praha 2, Czechia

Právo is an independent Czech daily newspaper. 6 times a week, every day a different supplement.

Phone: +420 221 001 438

ProČtení.cz - obchod s brýlemi na čtení

Czechia Nám. T. G. Masaryka 924/6, 290 01 Poděbrady, Czechia

Prescription reading glasses, folding glasses, pince-nez, magnetic glasses.

  • Jan Chrtek

Phone: +420 731 153 705


Mgr. Lenka Procházková

Czechia Resslova 844/34, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem, Czechia

Visual artist – teacher who publishes postcards, cut-outs or calendars, illustrates books, collaborates with schools and libraries, creates orientation systems, interior paintings or logos, runs art workshops or takes care of the Ostrovy dobré nálady stores.

Spolek pro vydávání revue Prostor

Czechia Kampus Hybernská, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Revue Prostor, a literary and cultural platform. We provide space for everything that cannot find space elsewhere. Magazine*Blog*Podcast*HYB4 Reading Room*Library*RP Presents*

PROSTOR, nakladatelství s. r. o.

Czechia Nad Spádem 649/10, 147 00 Praha 4 – Podolí, Czechia

Apart from fiction, publisher focusing on history of culture with an overlap with other social-science areas.

  • Aleš Lederer, jednatel Phone: +420 608 135 110

Protimluv, z. s.

Czechia Švédská 31, 712 00 Ostrava, Czechia

Ostrava publishing house for good poetry and prose by Czech, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian and Slovenian authors (e.g. L. Szilasi, J. Żulczyk, I. Gibová, P. Novotný); holds the annual ProtimluvFest festival.

Phone: +420 777 570 536

Nakladatelství P3K s. r. o.

Czechia U Smaltovny 1382/28, 170 00 Praha 7, Czechia

Publisher of three main series: Judaica, history, geography.

  • Petr Karas, jednatel - Executive Director Phone: +420 603 210 246
  • Karel Kupka, jednatel - Executive Director

Radioservis, a. s. - Radioteka.cz

Czechia Vinohradská 1409/12, 120 99 Praha 2, Czechia

Publishers of audiobooks, CD and LP music and books.

  • Radim Kolek, ředitel - Director Phone: +420 601 589 245
  • Petra Dankovičová, marketing a PR - Marketing and PR E-mail: petra.dankovicova@rozhlas.cz
    Phone: +420 724 027 447

Ráj deskových her

Czechia Lidická 36, 150 00 Praha 5, Czechia

Brick-and-mortar shop with a wide range of board games and experienced staff.

  • Michal Pešák, majitel - Owner

Phone: +420 257 941 232


Revolver Revue, o. p. s.

Czechia Hálkova 1406/2, 120 00 Praha 2 – Nové Město, Czechia

Quarterly for literature, fine art and society. Its parallel book edition is focused on Czech and foreign literature, fine arts and critical thinking.

Phone: +420 222 245 801


Helena Rezková

Czechia , , Czechia

Regional literature, books for children, travel books, poetry.

Ruské středisko vědy a kultury v Praze

Czechia Na Zátorce 16, 160 00 Praha 6, Czechia

The centre’s main objective is to organise and implement programmes and events in the fields of culture, science and education, and acting in support of the Russian language.

  • Irina Glavatskych, zmocněný vedoucí
  • Lukyanova Liliya, zaměstnankyně oddělení školství, vědy a kultury

Phone: +420 233 378 249


SEQOY s. r. o.

Czechia Čáslavská 1793/15, 130 00 Praha 3, Czechia

Distribution of sci-fi, horror, fantasy and comic books.

  • Jiří Pavlovský, majitel - Owner
  • Petr Litoš, majitel - Owner
  • Martin Královec, ředitel - Director

Phone: +420 603 837 842
Fax: +420 271 741 509


Nakladatelství Schola ludus – Pragensia

Czechia Buzulucká 6, 160 00 Praha 6, Czechia

Books about Prague. Fiction.

  • PhDr. Kateřina Bečková, majitelka - Owner E-mail: k.beckova@seznam.cz
    Phone: +420 602 307 757

iSchweizer marketing s. r. o.

Czechia Legionářů 4416/22, 695 01 Hodonín, Czechia

The LEU Brain Stimulator. Pedagogical aid that develops creativity and logical thinking.

Phone: +420 725 607 511


Skandinávský dům, z. s.

Czechia Dejvická 3, 160 00 Praha 6, Czechia

Presents the culture of the Nordic countries in the Czech Republic and operates a Scandinavian library.

  • Michal Švec, předseda - Chairperson
  • Jitka Jindřišková

Phone: +420 777 926 331


Nakladatelství SLOVART, s. r. o.

Czechia Oderská 333/5, 196 03 Praha 9 – Čakovice, Czechia

Slovart publishers specialise in illustrated popular-science books for children and young people, popular-art, pictorial and encyclopaedic publications, biographies and adult and young adult fiction. Import and export of books (photography, design, architecture, fiction).

  • Juraj Heger, jednatel - CEO & Publisher
  • Ondřej Materna, obchodní a marketingový ředitel - Head of Sales and Marketing

Phone: +420 266 177 141



Slovakia Riečna 1, 815 13 Bratislava, Slovakia

Exhibition catalogues, monographs, professional art history literature.

Phone: +421 2 2047 6100

Slovenské literárne centrum, organizátor slovenského národního stánku

Slovakia Nám. SNP 12, 812 24 Bratislava, Slovakia

An introduction to Slovak literature abroad, the holding of a collective exhibition of Slovak publishers, support for translations of works by Slovak authors; publishes works of literary theory, criticism and history, monographs.

  • Mgr. Pavel Sibyla, ředitel - Director

Dokumentační středisko slovenské menšiny v ČR

Czechia Vocelova 602/3, 120 00 Praha 2, Czechia

  • PhDr. Helena Nosková, CSc.

Phone: +420 603 824 370



Slovakia Sasinkova 5, 811 08 Bratislava, Slovakia

Educational literature, textbooks, dictionaries, light literature, historical literature, fiction, literature for children, encyclopaedias.

  • Andrea Töröková

Phone: +421 2 5022 7312


SPN – pedagogické nakladatelství, a. s.

Czechia Ostrovní 30, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Textbooks and educational publications for primary and secondary schools and the general public.

Phone: +420 603 495 229


Spolok sv. Vojtecha – VOJTECH, spol. s r. o.

Slovakia Radlinského 5, 917 01 Trnava, Slovakia

Christian literature.

  • ThDr. Ivan Šulík, PhD

Phone: +421 33 590 7711


Střední škola knižní kultury s. r. o.

Czechia José Martího 31, 162 00 Praha 6, Czechia

Courses for the preparation of specialists in all areas of book culture and business.

  • PhDr. Alice Krýžová, Ph.D., ředitelka - Director
  • Ing. Nikola Mauleová, zástupkyně ředitelky - Deputy Principal

Phone: +420 222 365 884



Czechia Palackého 740/1, 112 99 Praha 1, Czechia

SUPRAPHON JSC is a traditional label, one of the forefront audio publishers on the Czech market. An important segment of its editorial activity, apart from popular and classical music, is the spoken word, in both archival materials and new production.

SUTNARKA / Fakulta designu a umění Ladislava Sutnara Západočeské univerzity v Plzni

Czechia Univerzitní 28, 301 00 Plzeň, Czechia

SUTNARKA is a 21st century art faculty specialising in design, applied arts and interdisciplinary approach. It is located in an original building and its philosophy develops the heritage of the phenomenal designer Ladislav Sutnar. Students – under the supervision of numerous outstanding Czech artists – can achieve their bachelor or master’s degrees in a wide spectrum of subjects. The university’s Graphic Design & Illustration department exhibits its semester and qualification works from recent years.

  • Lenka Thomayer Opatrná, vedoucí kanceláře děkana / PR E-mail: lopatrna@fdu.zcu.cz
  • Renáta Fučíková, vedoucí ateliéru Didaktické ilustrace

Phone: +420 377 636 701
Phone: +420 735 715 919

Svaz českých knihkupců a nakladatelů, z. s.

Czechia Fügnerovo náměstí 1808/3, 120 00 Praha 2, Czechia

It publishes an annual catalogue of recommended Czech literature for children and young people (Nejlepší knihy dětem [Best Books for Kids]) and operates the gift voucher platform of dameknihu.cz. Organization for professionals in bookselling and publishing. Its aims are to protect the common interests of publishers, book distributors and booksellers, to contribute to the development of Czech book culture in the Czech Republic, and – in cooperation with other parties – to promote Czech literature. Its core membership includes leading Czech booksellers, publishers, book distributors and some libraries. SČKN: - commentson forthcoming legislation with a potential impact on the book industry - offers its members legal advice and professional education courses - provides a professional information service for its members and the public (at www.sckn.cz) - maintains a bibliographical database at www.ceskeknihy.cz) - produces and confers the Jiří Orten Prize for young authors - organizer of A Book Becomes You – nationwide campaigns in support of books and reading - regularly publishes rankings of bestselling books - it publishes an annual catalogue of recommended Czech literature for children and young people (Nejlepší knihy dětem [Best Books for Kids]) - operates the gift voucher platform of dameknihu.cz. - organizes seminars and lectures for/by professionals - is a member of international organisations of publishers and booksellers FEP - founded Svět knihy s.r.o. [Book World Ltd.] in 1997.

  • Marcela Turečková, ředitelka - Director E-mail: tureckova@sckn.cz
    Phone: +420 272 660 644, +420 604 200 597

Těšínské papírny s. r. o.

Czechia Lípová 1965, 737 01 Český Těšín, Czechia

Purely Czech printing house with long tradition and comprehensive range of services in the field of book printing, binding and finishing.

  • Hana Peterová, zákaznický servis - Customer Service

Phone: +420 558 772 278


TLAMA games

Czechia Třebohostická 2, 100 00 Praha 10, Czechia

Publishers of board games - we sell and rent games and run a game room in Prague.

  • Miroslav Tlamicha, majitel - Owner
  • Jakub Nemčok, obchodní zástupce - Sales Representative

Phone: +420 608 400 030


Nakladatelství Triáda, s. r. o.

Czechia Kroftova 341/16, 150 00 Praha 5 - Smíchov, Czechia

Triáda publishes high-quality fiction, poetry and professional literature.

Phone: +420 212 242 046


TRIO Publishing, s. r. o.

Slovakia Trajajánova 3/A, 851 10 Bratislava, Slovakia

Architecture & design, children´s books, fiction, history, picture books, poetry.

  • PhDr. Magdalena Fazekašová

Phone: +421 908 756 855


Tympanum audioknihy

Czechia Bolzanova 1615/1, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Adventurer, Legends, Fantasy, Humour and Romance editions.

  • Monika Oweyssi, ředitelka - Director Phone: + 420 777 184 048

Sdružení Ukrajinců a příznivců Ukrajiny

Czechia Vocelova 602/3, 120 00 Praha 2, Czechia

  • Mgr. Olga Mandová

Phone: +420 737 972 692


Ukrajinská iniciativa

Czechia Vocelova 602/3, 120 00 Praha 2, Czechia

  • Mgr. Bohdan Rajčinec

Phone: +420 777 212 237


Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta humanitních studií

Czechia Pátkova 2137/5, 182 00 Praha 8, Czechia

Humanities: philosophy, anthropology, history, ethnology.

Univerzita Karlova, Nakladatelství Karolinum

Czechia Ovocný trh 560/5, 116 36 Praha 1, Czechia

Science monographs and miscellanea, textbooks and study texts, dictionaries and scientific journals.

Univerzita Pardubice

Czechia Studentská 95, 532 10 Pardubice, Czechia

Specialized literature on the Natural, Technical and Social Sciences.

  • Bc. Monika Poláková, vedoucí vydavatelství - Head of University Pardubice Publishing

Phone: +420 466 036 132
Phone: +420 601 693 836


Vydavatelství Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci

Czechia Křížkovského 10, 771 47 Olomouc, Czechia

Publisher of monographs in electronic formats and in print.

  • Michal Kříž, PR Manager
  • Lenka Pořízková, ředitelka - Director

Phone: +420 774 231 579

Vydavatelství Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci

Czechia Biskupské nám. 1, 779 00 Olomouc, Czechia

We specialise in expert monographs, medical publications, textbooks and books from the fields of history, art and photography. We develop popular-science book projects with unique content, form and insight.

  • Ing. Aleš Prstek, ředitel - Director of Palacký University Press E-mail: ales.prstek@upol.cz
  • Mgr. Tomáš Franta, vedoucí marketingu a distribuce - Head of Marketing and Distribution E-mail: tomas.franta@upol.cz

Phone: +420 585 631 763
Phone: +420 737 534 465

objednávky: vydavatelstvi@upol.cz

Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů – Česká republika

Czechia Sídlo - Seat: Siwiecova 2, 130 00 Praha 3, Czechia
Czechia Korespondenční adresa - Mailing Address: nám. Winstona Churchilla 1800/2, 130 00 Praha 3, Czechia

Literature on 20th century history for the specialist and the general reader.

  • Anna Macourková, vedoucí Oddělení konferencí, výstav a stálé expozice Ústavu - Head of the Department Conferences, Exhibitions and Permanent Exhibitions of the Institute E-mail: anna.macourkova@ustrcr.cz
    Phone: +420 221 008 314
  • Kamila Kožichová, oddělení ediční - Publications Department E-mail: kamila.kozichova@ustrcr.cz
    Phone: +420 221 008 357

Ústav T. G. Masaryka, o. p. s.

Czechia Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia
Czechia Korespondenční adresa - Mailing address: Gabčíkova 2362/10, 182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň, Czechia


Slovakia Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia

Art publications, fiction, popularscience literature, children’s literature, history, encyclopedias.

  • PhDr. Pavol Kršák

Phone: +421 2 3229 3700 - Director
Phone: +421 2 3229 3702 - Editorial


Velvyslanectví Švédska

Czechia Úvoz 13, 118 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Diplomatic mission.

  • Martin Severýn, Tajemník pro komunikaci a kulturu - Communication and Cultural Affairs Officer E-mail: martin.severyn@gov.se
  • Marie Bendegard, Rada velvyslanectví - Counsellor

Phone: +420 220 313 200
Fax: +420 220 313 240


Czechia U Průhonu 17, 170 00 Praha 7, Czechia

Books for children and Chinese modern literature.

  • Veronika Benešová Hudečková

Phone: +420 733 717 394


Svaz Vietnamských studentů a mládeže

Czechia Vocelova 602/3, 120 00 Praha 2, Czechia

  • Lubor Pham

Phone: +420 778 016 996


Vltava Labe Media a. s.

Czechia U Trezorky 921/2, 158 00 Praha 5 - Jinonice, Czechia

Czech media house, publisher of 27 regional mutations of Deník [The Daily] and 8 regional mutations of Týdeník [The Weekly], 24 magazines with web portfolios and theme-based publications.

Phone: +420 272 015 111

Nakladatelství a vydavatelství Volvox Globator

Czechia Bořivojova 99, 130 00 Praha 3, Czechia

Publisher specialising in fiction and popular-science literature.

  • Ing. Vít Houška, majitel

Phone: +420 224 217 721


Vydavatelství Voxi - Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia 5. května 1746/22, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

Voxi publishers produce audiobooks from all genres.

Phone: +420 261 397 200 - recepce


Nakladatelství Josef Vybíral

Czechia Žalkovice 27, 768 23 Břest, Czechia

The world of Jules Verne, comics, Helenčino pečení.

  • Josef Vybíral

Phone: +420 731 246 579


Vydavateľstvo BUVIK

Slovakia Mierová 28, 821 05 Bratislava, Slovakia

Children´s literature.

  • Mgr. Mária Števková
  • Mgr. Milica Matejková

Phone: +421 2 5441 6092


Vydavateľstvo E.J. / E.J. Publishing

Slovakia Podjavorinskej 5, 811 03 Bratislava, Slovakia

Children´s literature.

Phone: +421 903 676 093

Vydavateľstvo Matice slovenskej

Slovakia Škultétyho 1, 036 01 Martin, Slovakia

Fiction, poetry, children’s literature, specialized literature, picture publications.

Phone: +421 43 490 6877


Vydavateľstvo MATYS

Slovakia Starhradská 8, 851 05 Bratislava, Slovakia

Children´s books, fiction, encyclopaedias.

  • Jaroslav Jankovič

Phone: +421 91 031 6686


Vydavateľstvo Q111

Slovakia J. C. Hronského 4, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovakia

Fiction, poetry, children’s books, academic literature.

  • Kvetuša Dašková

Phone: +421 905 447 913


Vydavateľstvo RAK

Slovakia Holčekova 65, 900 86 Budmerice, Slovakia

Historical literature.

  • Daniela Dvořáková Phone: +421 911 966 815

Phone: +421 33 644 8119
Phone: +421 910 966 811
Fax: +421 33 644 8119


Vydavateľstvo SLOVART

Slovakia Bojnická 10, 830 00 Bratislava, Slovakia

Art publications, fiction, popular science literature, children’s literature.

  • Juraj Heger

Phone: +421 2 4920 1800


Vydavateľstvo SSS / Vydavateľstvo Spolku slovenských spisovateľov

Slovakia Laurinská 2, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovakia

Fiction, poetry, translated non-fiction, essays, children´s books.

  • Mgr. Roman Michelko

Phone: +421 2 5443 2671
Fax: +421 2 5443 2671


Vydavateľstvo TATRAN, s. r. o.

Slovakia Klariská 16, 815 82 Bratislava, Slovakia

Art publications, fiction.

  • Lucia Mládeková

Phone: +421 918 119 833


Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, Nakladatelství Oeconomica

Czechia nám. W. Churchilla 4, 130 67 Praha 3, Czechia

Publisher of study and specialized literature.

Phone: +420 224 095 727
Phone: +420 224 095 780
Fax: +420 224 095 575

Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze, Centrum informačních služeb

Czechia Technická 5, 166 28 Praha 6, Czechia

Publisher of scientific books – university textbooks, monographs, manuals, conference proceedings, thesauri (both Czech and English). A series of publications is freely accessible online or via e-learning.

  • Ing. Eva Dibuszová, Ph.D., vedoucí CIS VŠCHT Praha - Head of the Centre for Information Services

Phone: +420 220 443 071


Vysoká škola kreativní komunikace

Czechia Na Pankráci 54, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

Private university offering the study of the following subjects: Creative Writing, Commercial Writing for the Media, Graphic & Media Design, Photography & Audiovision, Animation & Visual Effects, Creative Marketing, On-line Marketing and Management for Creative Industries.

  • Mgr. Václav Krištof, vedoucí katedry E-mail: kristofv@vskk.cz
    Phone: +420 602 354 950

Vysoké učení technické v Brně - Nakladatelství VUTIUM

Czechia Kolejní 4, 612 00 Brno, Czechia

Scientific monographs, university textbooks, translations of foreign textbooks and classic works, technical reference books and miscellanies.

  • Mgr. Jana Kořínková, Ph.D., ředitelka nakladatelství - Director E-mail: korinkova@vutbr.cz

Phone: +420 541 145 350

Nakladatelství Vyšehrad – Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia 5. května 1746/22, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

History and non-fiction literature, theology and philosophy, prose, poetry, gift publications, healthcare literature and cookbooks.

Phone: +420 777 238 287

Walker & Volf, audio vydavatelství

Czechia Vysokovská 28, 193 00 Praha 9, Czechia

The audiobooks publisher Walker & Volf was founded by writer J W Procházka and director Radek Volf. Its main focuses are SF, fantasy, horror and crime fiction. All W&V narrators are leading voice actors.

  • Jiří W. Procházka, jednatel - Executive Director
  • Radek Volf, jednatel - Executive Director

Phone: +420 605 295 495
Phone: +420 603 254 960


wo-men s. r. o.

Czechia Čechova 23, 170 00 Praha 7, Czechia

Arthouse-type publishers dedicated to documentary publications combining literature and photography.

  • Barbora Baronová, jednatelka - Publisher

Phone: +420 737 645 677


Wydawnictwo Świętego Wojciecha

Poland plac Wolności 1, 61-738 Poznan, Poland

Časopis XB-1, s. r. o.

Czechia Olšanská 55/5, 130 00 Praha 3, Czechia

XB-1 is a literary monthly magazine whose editors have been active in the SFFH field since 1990. Every month it brings the very best stories, articles, book and film reviews, by Czech and foreign authors. Runs the largest SFFH literary competition in the Czech Republic.

  • Alexandr Rusevský, vydavatel - Publisher E-mail: rusevsky@seznam.cz
    Phone: +420 606 704 333
  • Ing. Vladimír Ríša, šéfredaktor - Editor in Chief

Nakladatelství XYZ - Albatros Media a. s.

Czechia 5. května 1746/22, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

XYZ publishes Czech and translated fiction, celebrity biographies and Czech graphic novels.

Phone: +420 261 397 200 - recepce


Czechia Spálená 16, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Legendary theatre in the heart of Prague, with a studio tradition of over fifty years. We look at everything differently – with humour, respect and detachment.

Západočeská univerzita v Plzni

Czechia Univerzitní 2732/8, 301 00 Plzeň, Czechia

Publisher of study materials and specialised literature.

  • Mgr. Jakub Pokorný, vedoucí oddělení vydavatelství - Head of University Press

Phone: +420 377 631 950


Združenie vydavateľov a kníhkupcov Slovenskej republiky

Slovakia Bojnická 10, 830 00 Bratislava - Nové Město, Slovakia

The Association of Publishers and Booksellers of the Slovak Republic is an independent voluntary organization that represents the interests of its members, protects their publishing and business activities and concerns itself with their overall development. It also provides an advice and information service.

Země světa

Czechia Brtnická 3, 101 00 Praha 10, Czechia

Magazine for travel and culture focusing on regions attractive to tourists.

  • Miluše Žáková, jednatelka - Editor in Chief
  • Aleš Žák, obchodní ředitel - Commercial Manager E-mail: zak@zemesveta.cz

Phone: +420 271 721 207
Fax: +420 271 725 002

Thematic focus

Čestný host: Francie

Guest of honor: France

Motto: Můj domov je v jazyce

Language is my home

Literatura pro děti a mládež

Literature for children and youth